Exhibitor Manual

The Exhibitor Manual is available at this link

This website is your resource for the successful implementation of your exhibit participation. Included are the rules & regulations, general information, the Official Contractor List, shipping and handling instructions, rental display options, labor services, and order forms for every service available to exhibitors during the AHA annual meeting exhibits.

Please note that the exhibit hall is carpeted.

Important note: Trucks over 36 feet are prohibited in the French Quarter. All shipments should be sent in advance to the GES warehouse. Do not send direct shipments to the Marriott New Orleans. 

Note: The AHA contracts out with a selected group of companies the responsibility to perform the various tasks needed to plan and operate the annual meeting and exhibits. The "Official Contractor" logo will help exhibitors identify these companies. 

It is to your advantage to choose the official contractors. The AHA does not associate with any company other than those chosen as the Official Contractor. Please look for the "Official Contractor" logo when making housing reservations.